Hey guys!
So this is my blog, and its about whatever i feel like sharing with the world. You can love it or leave it, ur allowed your own opinions. ya'll have a nice day now!

About Me

let me tell you about myself... lol. I could talk your ears off if u were really interested, but since im guessing you arent, i'll make it short and sweet. So... Im 20,female, I live in Minnesota. I like Yellow, wearing shorts with sweatshirts, driving with the window open and the heater on, zombies, donuts, dead presidents, cute mailmen, and Mr. Clean. I collect elephants, ive got a tattoo of two of them on my upper back, i hate being late, my pride and joy is my stick shift Chevy silverado with a body lift and loud pipes, my daily driver is a cutlass supreme. Im going to tech college for Automotive service. I like disc golf and deer hunting and being outdoors.

Monday, December 20, 2010

my .....anti-religion??

To start off, and kind of as a disclaimer, i must say that although i have my own beliefs, i do not look down upon anyone with beliefs that differ from my own, and i will NeveR push my beliefs on anyone.  I dont really like to argue, my point is to explain what i do and do not believe in, you can believe it or not, and while i may say some derogatory things about other religions, i do not intend to insult anyone personally, and i would hope that everyone can respect that and be as fair to me.

That said, I will begin to explain.

-I do not believe in the established religions that most of the world is faithful to.
-my feelings are that most religions, are just cults. dont take that wrongly, im not saying they do anything bad,
but they build temples, synagogs, churches, and such, give you a system of beliefs to follow, have established meeting times that you are usually looked down upon for missing or being late, and you are supposed to donate money for the upkeep.  also, my thoughts on the reasons people are religious, is because people are scared.  of a lot of things, and most usually, scared of death.  why?  because these are things nobody can explain.  nobody has been there and back that we know of, its not something that any scientist can determine a solid answer to.  these religions are made up so that people have something to believe in, to comfort them, from what they dont understand. 
-I believe that everyone should have a choice of whether or not they want to be religious and if so, should be able to choose what they want to follow.  I do not like or believe in children being "born into" a religion, I do not like baptism at a young age. Just because you have your faith and belief system, does not neccesarily mean that that is what your child wants to believe in.
-I do not believe in god, jesus,mary, joseph, the apostles, the diciples, the three wise men,  etc.
-I do believe in angels and saints, and i have mixed opinions about the devil, I believe not so much in the devil himself, but in his manifestations in humans.  everybody has probably been tempted to do bad things at some point, and that is the devil in them.  maybe, everyone has a bit of evil nature in them, its just their ability to control it?
-What i believe in and am faithful to is a lady called Mother Nature. and her forces. she made life, and she takes life away. she gives us the basic neccesities, our natural resources. she gives us the ability to facilitate some of them, such as giving us sun and rain for our crops, but some she has left for us to discover and figure out ourselves.
- I believe in ghosts and spirits, reincarnation, and to some extent i believe in some type of afterlife.
- I also believe in spirit guides, mine being the red tailed hawk whom i see very very often, i believe that spirit guides are there to teach you, to warn you of upcoming events, to protect you to an extent, to help you heal, and to be your companion.
-I do not however, believe in evil ghosts or spirits.  just ones that are more frustrated than others for whatever reason.  i believe they are trying to contact us, some looking for help.
- I believe in psychics and mediums, as i definitely am able to sense certain auras in places as well as in people, and sometimes am able to guess a persons name or what they are going to say, or the type of person they are. in other words, i read people. and places with auras give me feelings, whether it be sad, or a good afeeling, or a get the hell out of here type of feeling. and have had a few paranormal experiences.
- i dont know if other religions have the belief that god is fair and kind and forgiving to everyone, but i know the catholic religion does, (i was "born" a catholic, baptised as an infant) if god is so nice, and you believe that he is your maker and he will bring your soul to heaven, if he is that kinda guy, why is he so unfair.  why are some people homeless and others live in mansions?  why are some people dying of disease when others are healthy and alive until they are 109? if he is so forgiving, why do you suffer so many consequences for your misdeeds? 

thats all i can think of at this moment to explain, but if i think of any other points i will add another post on the subject. if youve read all this, thank you for hearing my thoughts and beliefs.    <3 Em

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Minnesotan dialect- from a lifelong Minnesotan

If you've ever seen the  movie "Fargo" and you havent ever lived in Minnesota, I can almost guarantee that your head is filled with the common misconceptions.  The movie "New in town"  depicts our dialect and mannerism in a slightly more correct way, but still has a few stereotypes.  I will proceed to clear up the misconceptions and give you the facts and proper information.  First and foremost,  I have never heard anyone use the phrases "Ya you betcha" or "Uff da."   Maybe we do get a little stuck on our O's, like when we say minnesota or boat.... but it's really not as drawn out as everybody else makes it seem.  And so what if we replace the T's in words such as water with more of a D sound?  Yes, we do end our sentences with unnecessary prepostions, like when we say "I'm going to town, d'you wanna come with?"  the word with is not needed, but it makes more sense, now doesnt it?   We're Minnesotans, and damn proud of it!  Now, here's a list of some things you might hear when you come to Minnesota.

In Minnesota, soft drinks are "pop" not "soda"

you will rarely hear someone say "dusk", we use "dark" like.... "meet me at the stopsign on county road 12 at dark"

"Come here once" is a phrase i heard quite often growing up, usually when my dad needed somebody with small fingers to help fix something. 

"leave it go" = let it go, or sometimes is a request to stop argueing with someone,  "you're wasting your time bickering with him, why dont you just leave it go?"

"oh fer geez"= exasperation or frustration at whatever just happened. usually translates to either "g*d dammit" or "oh my g*d"

"damn near" = almost.  "i damn near got t-boned by a snowplow today"

"buy it off..."  your buddy is thinking of getting rid of his old playstation, and you want it, so you ask him, "can i buy it off you?"

"head out"= leave
"wellll... i s'pose"= subtly letting someone know that you would like to leave soon, if they would just shut up

"Itch"= means the opposite of what you would think.  Itch can mean that you have an itch, or you need to itch an itch, we don't scratch our itches.  we itch them.  understand?

"itchin"  means you really can't wait to do something, " I'm itchin to go deer hunting"

"popple"= poplar tree or aspen

"longjohns" are either your thermal long underwear, or long donuts with filling, frosting and sprinkles or nuts

"choppers" the plural form of helicopters, or motorcycles...right?  wrong.  choppers are thick mittens usually made of leather on the outside, and wool on the inside, and they tend to be yellow.

"cuhn't'of" with a long U sound like in "Uff da" (which we dont say) means could'nt have, "that kitten cuhn't'of gotten on the roof by himself!"

"ruff"= roof.  you say ooo we say uh

"lectric" or "letcherc" as my father would say, is really electric


"iddin it"=isn't it.  "iddin it cold out?"  it sure is!


"alla"= all of the

"sirp"= syrup

"mayul"  this is actually how i pronouce "mail" most of the time

"ima" or "i minna"= im going to

and thats the end of my lesson for today lol, hope you learned something!