Hey guys!
So this is my blog, and its about whatever i feel like sharing with the world. You can love it or leave it, ur allowed your own opinions. ya'll have a nice day now!

About Me

let me tell you about myself... lol. I could talk your ears off if u were really interested, but since im guessing you arent, i'll make it short and sweet. So... Im 20,female, I live in Minnesota. I like Yellow, wearing shorts with sweatshirts, driving with the window open and the heater on, zombies, donuts, dead presidents, cute mailmen, and Mr. Clean. I collect elephants, ive got a tattoo of two of them on my upper back, i hate being late, my pride and joy is my stick shift Chevy silverado with a body lift and loud pipes, my daily driver is a cutlass supreme. Im going to tech college for Automotive service. I like disc golf and deer hunting and being outdoors.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater Restoration

I have a model 530, Patent year 1918, Perfection Smokeless oil heater that i am restoring.  So far, i have mostly taken it apart, starting with unlatching the top from the bottom, taking out the hinge screws so that it is two main pieces, then taking out the bolts holding the lid to the top piece, and taking off the one bolt that holds the latch which i have sanded.  i also have sanded the piece i will hereby refer to as the shield as im not sure of its exact purpose. its the round piece between the top and bottom.  i have began sanding the top cylinder part, using 320 grit sandpaper.  im not sure of what the original colors were, but im thinking of painting the lid, shield and the 2nd shield at the bottom, as well as the legs silver, and the cylinder parts black.  the kerosene resevoir simply lifts out of the bottom piece, and im thinking of painting its outside black as well.  i havent taken that part apart, so i dont know its particular anatomy, but it might need a new wick.  basically the heater will be a show piece/decorative, but i want it to be complete and as far as i have researched the wicks are still widely available.  Its a tedious project to be doing by hand and makes me wish i had a sandblaster...